#few shot
#코드 연습
#백준 코딩
#dna 6기
#Gen AI
#document classification
#text classification
#zero shot
#Capsule Network
#백준 1978
#Data Augmentation
#anomaly detection
#프론티어 ai
#frontier ai
#amazon nova
#commit conflict
#merge request
#SystemExit : 2
#서버 절전모드
#gray scale
#이미지 스케일링
#image scaling
#train-val split
#구름톤 챌린지
#Access key
#bert to teach
#teacher model
#student model
#생성형 AI
#emnlp 2022
#news crawling
#RecSys 2021
#상식 추론
#commonsense reasoning
#2022 NAACL
#link prediction
#NAACL 2022
#docker 설치오류
#도커 설치 오류
#feedforward network
#파이토치로 배우는 자연어 처리
#백준 11653
#pytorch 기초
#Generative AI
#백준 15596
#백준 2775
#named entity recognition
#객체명 인식
#연습 코드
#cluster analysis
#keyword anlaysis
#naive bayesian classifier
#문서 분류
#text to text
#transformer structure
#dirichlet distribution
#data anlaysis
#Gibbs sampling
#nlp # topic modeling
#latent semantic analytics
#dimentionality reduction
#text analytics
#이상 탐지 알고리즘
#Global Attention
#Window Attention
#Random Attention
#spars attention
#Detached HEAD
#python #기초 #deep-learning
#image detection
#Semi-supervised learning
#백준 1193
#github 업로드
#Attention is all you need
#text detection
#meta learning
#topic modeling
#K-nearest neighbor
#도커 오류
#Isolation Forest
#Affine Transformation
#백준 4344
#지식 증류
#CUDA error
#백준 2581
#text generation
#백준 1065
#Knowledge Distillation
#Language Model
#Sentiment Analysis
#이상치 탐지
#eval 함수
#object detection
#transfer learning
#군집 분석
#Paper review
#Deep Learning
#Convolutional Neural network
#git push
#git pull
#neural network
#Knowledge Graph
#절전모드 해제
#git checkout
#논문 읽기
#runtime error
#키워드 분석
#기본 명령어